Top 7 Benefits of Pranayama Backed by Science

In layman’s terms, Pranayama is the practice of breath control. It happens to be the principal component of yoga, which is an exercise for both your physical as well as mental wellness.  

According to the Sanskrit language, “Prana” symbolizes life energy, and “Yama” implies control. So, the practice of pranayama is all about breathing exercises and patterns. You inhale, exhale, and hold your breath in a particular sequence, all for a purpose. 

During yoga, one does pranayama with other practices such as physical postures aka “Asanas” and meditation aka “Dhyana”. Both these practices combine to provide you with the multiple benefits of yoga. 

However, Pranayama has its significance as well as utilities. These benefits are because of the therapeutic effects of breathing exercises and mindfulness. There has been extensive research about the effectiveness of pranayama. 

Moreover, scientific studies have proved that the primary benefit of Pranayama is that it can improve your health in multiple ways. In this article, we’ve identified seven of these benefits in more detail. 

  1. Improves Mindfulness 

For most of us, breathing happens to be an automatic activity. We breathe in and breathe out without putting any extra effort or giving it much thought at all. 

However, during Pranayama, you must be aware of your breathing and the way it feels. Additionally, you practice focusing on the current moment, rather than the past or future. This is called mindfulness. 

A study has revealed that whoever practiced Pranayama has shown higher levels of mindfulness compared to those who didn’t. The same practitioners have also shown better levels of emotional control. This was linked to the calming effect of Pranayama, which supports your ability to be more conscious. 

Moreover, the researchers have mentioned that Pranayama helps to eliminate carbon dioxide and increases oxygen concentration to fuel brain cells, contributing to consciousness by improving focus and concentration. 

  1. Reduces Stress 

According to a 2013 study, Pranayama decreased perceived stress levels among healthy young adults. The researchers theorized that pranayama soothes the nervous system to improve stress response. 

Another 2013 study has found similar advantages. All the people who practiced Pranayama experienced less anxiety before taking a test. 

The authors of the study associated this effect with the enriched oxygen uptake during Pranayama. We all know that oxygen is the energy for your important organs, including your brain and nerves. 

  1. Enhances Sleep Quality 

The stress-relieving effects of pranayama have proved to be quite effective for your sleep. 

In clinical studies, it has been revealed that a technique known as Bhramari pranayama could slow down breathing and heart rate if practiced for 5 minutes at a stretch. This may help you calm your body for sleep. 

A 2019 study has established that Pranayama also boosts sleep quality among people who suffer due to obstructive sleep apnea. Moreover, the study has also discovered that practicing Pranayama reduced snoring and daytime sleepiness, suggesting benefits for better quality rest. 

  1. Boosts Lung Function 

Being a kind of breathing exercise, the slow, forceful breathing of Pranayama is strong enough to strengthen your lungs. 

A 2019 study has found that if someone practices 6 weeks of Pranayama for an hour every day, then it could have a substantial effect on lung function. The practice developed multiple parameters of lung function, as per the pulmonary test results. 

The authors of the study have opined that Pranayama may be a useful lung strengthening tool for multiple lung conditions, such as allergic bronchitis and asthma, and recovery from pneumonia and tuberculosis. 

  1. Decreases High Blood Pressure 

High blood pressure or hypertension occurs when your blood pressure reaches an unhealthy level. It enhances the risk for a few potentially serious health conditions such as heart disease and stroke. 

Stress happens to be a major risk factor contributing to high blood pressure. Pranayama can help you reduce this risk by promoting relaxation. 

According to a 2014 study, participants with mild hypertension received antihypertensive drugs for one and a half months. Additionally, half of those participants received Pranayama training for the same period. Guess what! It was revealed at the end of the study that the latter group experienced a higher reduction in blood pressure. 

This effect was likely because of the conscious breathing of pranayama. 

While focusing on your breathing, can soothe your nervous system to reduce your stress response and risk of hypertension. 

  1. Improves Cognitive Performance 

Apart from benefiting your lungs, Pranayama may improve your brain function as well. 

According to a 2013 study, 12 weeks of slow or fast Pranayama boosts executive function, including cognitive flexibility, working memory, and reasoning skills. 

The study also revealed that Pranayama can improve your perceived level of stress and your reaction time. Also, the study found that fast pranayama was linked to better auditory memory and sensory-motor performance. 

The researchers believe that these benefits are because of the stress-lowering effects of Pranayama. The enhanced oxygen uptake energizing brain cells may play a significant role too. 

  1. Minimizes Tobacco Cravings 

There’s ample proof that yogic breathing, or pranayama, could reduce cravings among people who are desperate to quit smoking. 

According to a 2012 study, only 10 minutes of yogic breathing led to a temporary reduction in cigarette cravings. 

The latest study found that mindfulness-based yoga breathing minimized the adverse effects associated with smoking withdrawal. 


Pranayama, or breath regulation, is the principal component of yoga and it’s regularly practiced with yoga postures and meditation. The objective of Pranayama is to intensify the connection between your body and mind.  

Research has found that Pranayama can boost relaxation and mindfulness. It has also been proven to support various aspects of physical health, such as blood pressure, lung function, and brain function. 

If you are yet to begin the practice of pranayama, then you may initially join a yoga class or find a teacher who can train you in the proper technique for breathing exercises. 

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