Top 5 Things to Do Daily to Keep Your Heart Healthy

We all know that physical exercise and a good diet can maintain the health of your heart. healthy. But there are many other things to do or not do to ensure that your ticker continues to be strong.

In consultation with a leading cardiothoracic surgeon, in this article, we have identified the five key things that you need to do daily to make sure that your heart works most efficiently. If you can include these habits into your lifestyle, then your heart health will be the best it can be for you.

  1. Practice Good Dental Hygiene.

You need to practice proper dental hygiene, particularly flossing your teeth every day. Dental health is a good symptom of general health, including your heart, as those who have periodontal (gum) disease mostly suffer from the same risk factors for heart disease. Research continues on this issue. However, many studies have proven that bacteria in the mouth are involved in the development of gum disease. They can move into the bloodstream and lead to an elevation in C-reactive protein, which is a marker for inflammation in the blood vessels. These changes may, in turn, intensify your risk of heart disease and stroke.

TIP: You should floss and brush your teeth daily to thwart any kind of gum disease. It’s more than cavities that you may have to combat when you are fighting gum disease.

  1. Consume Healthy Fats, Not Trans Fats.

We all need fats in our diet, including saturated, polyunsaturated, and unsaturated fats.  A specific fat we don’t require is trans-fat. It is notorious for increasing your risk of developing heart disease or suffering from a stroke over a lifetime. This is due to the presence of trans-fat clogs your arteries by increasing your bad cholesterol levels (LDL) and reducing your good cholesterol levels (HDL). If you completely cut them off from your diet, then you boost the blood flow throughout your body. If you don’t know what trans-fats are, then they are industry-produced fats mostly used in snack foods, packaged baked goods, margarine, and fried fast foods for an additional flavor and texture.

TIP: Thoroughly read the labels on all foods. Trans-fat seems to be on the ingredients list as partially hydrogenated oils. You should look for 0 percent trans-fat. develop a habit to avoid eating foods with trans fat.

  1. Never Sit for Too Long at A Time.

Over the recent past, research has established that being seated for long periods is harmful to your health regardless of how much exercise you do. This is bad news for a lot of people who sit at sedentary jobs throughout the day. While analyzing the combined results of multiple observational studies that included almost 800,000 people, researchers have discovered that among those who sat the most, there was an associated 147 percent growth in cardiovascular events and a 90 percent increase in death caused due to these events. Moreover, sitting for prolonged durations, particularly while traveling, enhances your risk of deep vein thrombosis, which is a blood clot.

TIP: According to health experts, it’s important to move throughout the day. It’ll be great if you can park farther away from the office, take some shorter walks throughout the day, and/or utilize a standing workstation to move up and down. Do not forget to exercise on most days.

  1. Get Adequate Sleep.

Sleep is a necessary part to keep your heart healthy. Due to a lack of enough sleep, you may be at a higher risk for cardiovascular disease irrespective of your age or other health habits. A study conducted on 3,000 adults over the age of 45 has found that those who slept less than six hours per night were about twice as likely to suffer from a stroke or heart attack compared to people who slept six to eight hours per night. According to researchers, sleeping too little leads to disruptions in underlying health conditions and biological processes, including blood pressure and inflammation.

TIP: Sleep should be a priority. Try to sleep for 7 to 8 hours on most nights. If you have sleep apnea, then you must consult a doctor as this condition is associated with heart disease and arrhythmias.

  1. Avoid Secondhand Smoke Such as the Plague.

Studies have proved that the risk of developing heart disease is nearly 25 to 30 percent higher for people who are exposed to secondhand smoke either at home or work. The American Heart Association states that exposure to tobacco smoke contributes to nearly 34,000 premature heart disease deaths and 7,300 lung cancer deaths every year. Even nonsmokers suffering from high blood pressure or high blood cholesterol have a higher risk of developing heart disease if they’re exposed to secondhand smoke. This is due to the chemicals emitted from cigarette smoke. They promote the development of plaque accumulation in the arteries.

TIP: Maintain strictness with smokers asserting that you do not wish to be around environmental smoke. Always keep your children away from secondhand smoke.


If you can follow the five tips mentioned above, then you’ll be doing your heart a favor. You’ll feel much better and can stay active with a heart-healthy lifestyle.

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