5 Amazing Tips to Reset After a Food Binge and Long-Term Solutions

A king-size bag of potato chips can empty very fast. But it hardly bothers us. You may have opened it last night being seated on the couch watching some episodes of your favorite web series. However, right now there’s only a meager number of greasy crumbs left inside. 

A huge pepperoni pizza may surprisingly disappear during the evening, as well. The same logic applies to the rest of the ice cream inside the refrigerator. 

Seeing the kitchen carnage, you may feel terrible. It’s not just due to the full stomach that may restrict your movement. The adverse effect of a food binge may cause many emotions like regret, guilt, and worry. 

In this article, we’ve identified what to do for turning things around physically and mentally. Let’s find out. 

Five tips to help the process after a day of binge eating are as follows- 

  1. Be Physically Active 

If you wish to move that food out of your system, then you must get yourself moving. It’ll be a natural detox as physical activities enhance gut motility to push all the surplus junk, including the fat, the calories, and the sugars out of your internal system. 

Movement activates your brain as well to discharge dopamine and serotonin, feel-good chemicals to boost your mood and encourage you to mentally get back on track. 

You may prefer a walk or exercise biking for a quick spin to ensure that your body gets in motion and focus your mind. Managing some chores, like cutting the lawn or vacuuming can accomplish the job task, as well. 

  1. Be Compassionate to Yourself 

It’s quite normal if you deep dive into the refrigerator or pantry. Don’t think of yourself harshly. It isn’t uncommon to have a periodic food binge. That’s why you should allow some grace for yourself. 

  1. Stay off the Scale 

It’s quite obvious that if you go on a food binge, you may find that a higher-than-usual number may pop up on the scale once you step on it. Don’t seek information that doesn’t help. 

Once you get back to your usual eating routine, get back to your normal weight. Allow a few days for your body to reset back. 

Remember that weight alone isn’t the only parameter of health. You should sleep well, feel strong, and have an additional bounce in your step. Those would be better indicators. 

  1. Consume Lots of Fluid 

If you wish your body reboots, you only need to include water to flush out any excesses from your system. 

Moreover, adequate hydration is crucial for your body to operate at an optimal level in multiple ways to help your digestive system. As it’s effective for your blood, your skin, your kidneys, and even your teeth will be benefitted. When you’re hydrated, you’ll feel better. 

  1. Don’t Purge 

Avoid any sort of forcible action to undo a food binge. Don’t try to vomit, use laxatives, or exercise relentlessly to reduce consumed calories all of a sudden. It isn’t a healthy solution. 


Always remember that eating disorder behaviors may cause serious damage to your body. There could be serious health complications like cardiac problems, blood pressure problems, gastrointestinal problems, stopped menstrual cycles, infertility Organ failure, brain damage, and tooth damage. 

If you binge and purge, consult a healthcare provider for assessment. 

Long-term Solutions 

Once you reset after a food binge, it’s time to determine why you went on that eating frenzy and ways to prevent repeated episodes. 

  1. Begin a Food Journal 

As data doesn’t lie, maintaining a journal noting what and when you consume can help you figure out what food breaks down your defense mechanisms and what days or times, you may overindulge. You must track your intake and learn what’s going on. One can never address a problem until it’s identified. 

  1. Identify Reasons for a Food Binge 

A food binge is mostly connected with either an emotional or environmental trigger. Usually, there must be a reason behind it. Realizing what that is may help you prevent a future binge. 

There could be emotional triggers like stress, trauma, or even boredom to send you to the pantry, searching for comfort. Many times, we turn to food as it’s soothing, as we feel that it’s the easiest method to attain instant satisfaction. In such a scenario, you should learn to separate yourself from food whenever you feel that urge to binge. It’s better to act and go for a walk to take your focus away from the food until the feeling passes. 

There could be environmental triggers when only seeing a few foods can make you start nibbling. Keep some healthy snacks like fruit, nuts, or trail mix on hand. Eat a bit before attending a party so that you don’t arrive hungry. Portion food adequately to avoid overeating. 

  1. Bond with Food 

 As food is a neutral item, we’re off base at times when we mention good food and bad food. Don’t be judgmental while eating something. 

Check your daily diet in totality. You should rather enjoy your food and make adjustments elsewhere. 


If any food tastes good, then you can have it uninhibitedly. That’s quite normal. It’s a natural human instinct. Find a balance in your diet so that it doesn’t swing to the extremes of binging. 

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